MHS musical auditions take the stage


Kate Tayler, Reporter and Editor

For those looking for an upbeat, high-energy extra-curricular, “Catch Me If You Can: The Musical” could be just the thing.

If auditioning for this year’s school musical sounds like something that might be of interest, today (Sept. 15) at 2:30pm in the MHS auditorium is where the opportunity begins.

All students grades 9-12 are welcome to audition. Students are asked to sing 16-32 bars of a choice song for the singing audition and a comfortable outfit for the dance audition.

“Catch Me If You Can” is based on the true story and movie of Frank Abagnale Jr., a young, teenage boy who learned everything his conman father had to offer. And with that, he ran away from home at age 16.

Abagnale Jr. takes to the road and cons his way into becoming a pilot; he doesn’t know how to fly, of course, but he fakes his way into the air.

Throughout the course of the musical, FBI agent Carl Hanratty is tracking down Abagnale Jr., trying to “catch him if he can.” This causes Abagnale Jr. to con his way into other towns and other industries, faking his way to the operating room and into the courtroom.

“Even the small parts are fun, and you dance and it’s lively,” said director Alison Drougel. “Just in general, I think it’s very important that students in high school do extra-curriculars. It helps you find your group of people and it’s a great environment to be in.”

For more information on this wonderful opportunity, visit Drougel’s classroom in A219, or talk to the drama club officers- senior Zach Everly (President), junior Jordan Jewell (Vice President), junior Joee Nicols (Secretary), or senior Haley Langmeyer (Treasurer).